Thursday, March 15, 2007

Spring Break

This spring break I went to Guam to visit my dad. He is working there for four and a half months so my mom thought that it would be a good idea to visit him. When I first found out that I was going to Guam I was really excited. Then I talked to my friends who lived there before and they told me that there were a lot of snakes. This got me scared, I hate snakes.

I am happy I didn't see any snakes the whole trip. But I did see a lot of beautiful scenery.

Here is a picture of a secluded beach my sister, my dad, and I snorkeled at.

This beach was right by the army base. To get to this beach we had to go through the mountains and the view going up and down were spectacular. The beach above is one of the better beaches up north. This beach has lots of shells and if you look in the water, you can see that you have fishes swimming with you also.

This picture is the view from a look out point down south of the island. The last day of the trip we went around the island. This is one of the shots from that day. We sat in the car for two hours and saw lots of tourist sites. That day was a OOH-LOOK-PRETTY-BUT-I-DON'T-WANT-TO-GET-UP-TO-LOOK-MORE day.
I felt tired but I was happy to be exploring, happy to be with my dad, happy to just be sitting in the car lazily.

My Guam trip was good and I would like to go back. Guam kind of reminds me of Hawaii and I think that I can find similarities in both places. Even if I am in Hawaii, their is still a part of me that is in Guam, my dad.

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