Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ghost Story

My ninth guide teacher told me this scary story. This story scares you enough you do not feel comfortable in your own home. This story even gave the boys the, "eebie geebies." He told us the story happened in the mainland, so don't worry about any insecurity issues.

One night a single mom left her children at home with a baby sitter, while she went out with her friends. It was late at night, the children and the baby sitter were watching television. Then out of the corner of the baby sitters eye, she saw something pass swiftly behind her in the darkness. She ignored her thoughts about it but she still had them in the back of her mind.

When it was time for the baby sitter to put the kids to bed she walked up the stairs and saw a clown statue. The baby sitter thought the statue was weird but she decided to just keep on tucking in the children. The baby sitter tucked the first child into bed and told the first child good night and closed the door. Then she walked into the oldest child's room and saw another clown statue. She felt like the statue was staring at them. So the baby sitter grabbed the phone from the second child's side table.

The baby sitter called the mother of the children to tell her that she did not feel comfortable in the house with the clown statue. The mother immediately told her, "We do not have a clown statue, get the kids out of the house right now!!!" When the baby sitter hung up the phone, the clown rushed out of the room, ran down the stairs, and ran the door.

Within the next week they heard on the news that the police found this man who dressed up like a clown and hurt young children. The family was happy and relieved to hear the news.

This story made me think, I-DEFINITELY-HATE-CLOWNS-MORE-THAN-EVER-NOW. After I heard this story I could bot sleep without pillows all around me. Sorry, if the story scared you to much. It's OK if your scared, I was too.

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