Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ghost Story

My ninth guide teacher told me this scary story. This story scares you enough you do not feel comfortable in your own home. This story even gave the boys the, "eebie geebies." He told us the story happened in the mainland, so don't worry about any insecurity issues.

One night a single mom left her children at home with a baby sitter, while she went out with her friends. It was late at night, the children and the baby sitter were watching television. Then out of the corner of the baby sitters eye, she saw something pass swiftly behind her in the darkness. She ignored her thoughts about it but she still had them in the back of her mind.

When it was time for the baby sitter to put the kids to bed she walked up the stairs and saw a clown statue. The baby sitter thought the statue was weird but she decided to just keep on tucking in the children. The baby sitter tucked the first child into bed and told the first child good night and closed the door. Then she walked into the oldest child's room and saw another clown statue. She felt like the statue was staring at them. So the baby sitter grabbed the phone from the second child's side table.

The baby sitter called the mother of the children to tell her that she did not feel comfortable in the house with the clown statue. The mother immediately told her, "We do not have a clown statue, get the kids out of the house right now!!!" When the baby sitter hung up the phone, the clown rushed out of the room, ran down the stairs, and ran the door.

Within the next week they heard on the news that the police found this man who dressed up like a clown and hurt young children. The family was happy and relieved to hear the news.

This story made me think, I-DEFINITELY-HATE-CLOWNS-MORE-THAN-EVER-NOW. After I heard this story I could bot sleep without pillows all around me. Sorry, if the story scared you to much. It's OK if your scared, I was too.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Spring Break

This spring break I went to Guam to visit my dad. He is working there for four and a half months so my mom thought that it would be a good idea to visit him. When I first found out that I was going to Guam I was really excited. Then I talked to my friends who lived there before and they told me that there were a lot of snakes. This got me scared, I hate snakes.

I am happy I didn't see any snakes the whole trip. But I did see a lot of beautiful scenery.

Here is a picture of a secluded beach my sister, my dad, and I snorkeled at.

This beach was right by the army base. To get to this beach we had to go through the mountains and the view going up and down were spectacular. The beach above is one of the better beaches up north. This beach has lots of shells and if you look in the water, you can see that you have fishes swimming with you also.

This picture is the view from a look out point down south of the island. The last day of the trip we went around the island. This is one of the shots from that day. We sat in the car for two hours and saw lots of tourist sites. That day was a OOH-LOOK-PRETTY-BUT-I-DON'T-WANT-TO-GET-UP-TO-LOOK-MORE day.
I felt tired but I was happy to be exploring, happy to be with my dad, happy to just be sitting in the car lazily.

My Guam trip was good and I would like to go back. Guam kind of reminds me of Hawaii and I think that I can find similarities in both places. Even if I am in Hawaii, their is still a part of me that is in Guam, my dad.

Who am I? Cycle 20 #3

The question, "Who am I?" is very hard to answer and I think I have answered it as best as I can. My new question is, "How can I help others in need?"

On Sunday, March 18th my sister and her friend helped to plan a fund raiser for the AIDS foundation. It was held at Rumours night club in the Ala Moana Hotel. Teens from all over the island came to party. The fund raiser was alcohol free and there was a lot of dancing. Different companies gave donations and there were raffles for different items that were donated. The theme was March Mardigras Masquerade. So people dressed up and wore masks. The money that was raised went to the AIDS foundation to help people who suffer from AIDS disease. This fund raiser helped many people and it was held last year to but the theme was Halloween and everyone wore costumes. By buying a ticket you can help.

Free write: Airplanes and Airlines

Northwest, Continental, Delta, Air China, Hawaiian, Aloha, United, American, many, many more.
Recycled air.
And germs running wild,
Strangers making friends with each other.
Hope that everyone stays safe,
And that it is a safe flight.

Then you here the captain make an announcement;
"We are experiencing turbulence,
So the fasten seat belt sign is lit.
Please return to your seats and fasten you seat belt securely."
The plane moves up and down lifting you out of you seat.
Suddenly calm silence fills the cabins.
As the turbulence settles,
You resume playing video games on your personal T.V.

At the end of the flight they say,
"Thank you for flying Continental Airlines have a great day."
And you feel the relief of arriving safely and in one piece.
As you are walking out of the airplane,
You feel the weather passing throught the connecting tunnel.
Excitment for the futurre trip takes over your body.
All you can think about is the first thing you want to do;

Fun: Who am I? Cycle 20 #1

To me fun is being with my friends and family, loving life, and doing something I enjoy. The definition of fun is hard to describe it varies depending on who you ask. Through these various definitions of fun, you can get to know people.

When I am with my friends and family, I like to just hang and be relaxed because my life is always so busy. It is so busy sometimes that I forget to be grateful for everything I have. But my friends help me to realize how much I have.

I try to love life everyday. Even when thing are tough, I try to hope for the best in everything. When you love life, you open yourself to everything. Thus, making yourself happy. I love life by enjoying what I have. One of my philosophies is, "Life is short, so live life to the fullest."

When I am doing gymnastics, I feel like anything is possible. I can fly in the air, I can throw any trick that I try, I can do anything I put my mind to. Gymnastics helps me be who ever I want to be. When I am doing my routines, I can be poised and serious, or I can be playful and enthusiastic. My routines are the gateway to my inner self. Gymnastics helps me to express my self without being afraid to show who I really am.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Magical Realism:Monster Toes

When I was younger, I would always stub my big toe on anything from stairs to the door, to even a chair. So after I stubbed my toe, my grandfather would bandage up my toe for me. And when he was bandaging my toe, he would tell me the story of how his big toe got distorted. I always loved the story because it made me feel better. And while I was listening to the story, cringing at the pain, and giving the occasional nod, i realized he really understood what i was going through.

One day my grandfather was bicycling in his neighborhood, Daipatu. Daipatu had lots of hills that they would race on. My grandfather was racing with his friends Bob, Fred, and Albert. His friends were very unique. Bob had wings with white feathers, Fred had snot oozing out of his body, and Albert was colored like a watermelon but had scales.

So my grandfather, who has a fluffy tail, was racing with his friends without his big sneakers. His tail suddenly got stuck under his seat, so he got distracted and was not concentrating on pedaling. Then to make things worse, his toe got stuck in the chains. His toe was shooting blood everywhere. His monster friends tried to stop the bleeding so that they wouldn't get in trouble for not listening. They wrapped his toe with one of the snot covered tissues Fred was carrying.

Within a few days my grandfathers toe was as big as a melon but his tail was fine. My grandfathers toe started having a mind if its own. And it would not stop growing. Two weeks after his toe nail was not on so he has a gash. It was infected.

One night a bacteria monster crawled out of the gash. The monster just kept on growing and feeding off of all of the bacteria. They finally realized they had to tell his mom what had happened. She rushed to him immediately to check how bad it was.

Once she saw it she screamed, scolded him, and was scared for his life. His mother rushed him to the hospital and when they got there he immediately had to have of antibiotics pumped through his system. He was in the hospital for a week and while he was in there the police finally tracked down the bacteria monster and placed it in an air tight modulator with no bacteria or germs at all.

Eventually it healed and he was fine. His toe now has a curvy shape, like an hour glass just not as extreme. And my grandfathers deformed toe nail is black with specks of brown. His toe is safe for now, safe until he forgets to wear his big sneakers when he is playing, and safe to walk on. My grandfather loves to tell me this story and I think it makes him happy to see how he can make me feel better just with his life stories.

I hope this story makes you also feel, AT-LEAST-MY-STUBBED-TOE-WAS-NOT-THAT-BAD. And you remember that it might hurt but you have to tell someone what is happening or things could get worse.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Who am I? Cycle 19 #2

If you asked me a year ago, who I am. My first thought would be, I am a gymnast. But now I have come to realize that there is more to me then the sports or activities I do. I am a young individual who is still exploring the many sides of life and my multifaceted personality. Thus, getting to know myself better and finding my true identity.

Sometimes I feel like a "tom boy." When I am playing sports with my Dad, I feel like I have to act tougher. I think I act this way because my Dad wanted a son but I was a girl. My Dad loves me and sometimes he treats me like his son, and I like it.

When I am with my mom, I love to shop and I am more like a "girly girl". I act more soft and delicate. With my mom, I love shopping anywhere. She is my mom and she loves me.

With different people, I am different. I have different ways that I am expected to act. I try to be the way that would make them the most happy. And if they are happy I am too.

Who am I? Cycle 19 #1

I like sugar coated banana lumpia. I like bananas with peanut butter. I like the colors yellow, green, and purple. I like when the wind flows through my hair. I like yellow convertible cars with flames like Hotwheels. I like the football team, the Green Bay Packers. I like roses in any color except white. I like the song, Pop Goes My Heart. I like a fairytale that has magic. I like to watch the Merry monarch every year.

I like people who are friendly to everyone. I like to make people smile. I like to see happiness in others. I like making people proud of me. I like accomplishing my goals. I like to do something good at least once a day. I like to listen to music when I am stressed. I love my life.