Sunday, May 6, 2007

Summary for Act 1 Scene 1 &2

In Act One, Scene One Theseus and his fiance, Hippolyta are planning their wedding. But they are impatient so they tell the town to get entertainment to distract them. The celebration had to begin at once until the wedding.

Then Egeus comes to see Theseus to complain about his daughter Hermia. Hermia is suppose to marry Demetrius but she loves Lysander. Egeus says that Hermia has to marry Demetrius or become a nun, or be put to death. She has to follow the law. Then Lysander talks about how Demetrius use to be in love with Helena but then abandoned her. Before everyone leaves he tells Hermia to think about her decision. Everyone leaves except for Lysander and Hermia. Lysander has a widow aunt that would let Hermia and him come and get married there. Lysander says that the law can't get them there. Hermia and Lysander are happy and plan there escape. Hermia tells Helena what Lysander and her about to do. And then Helena decides to tell Demetrius what Hermia and Lysander's plan to get closer to Demetrius. Because Helena still loves him.

In Act 1 Scene 2, a group of men decide to put on a play for the celebration. Peter Quince tries get order but Nick Bottom is very talkative. Peter Quince calls out the roles and Nick Bottom tries to act out the different roles. Nick Bottom keeps on interrupting and roars about the lion part. Everyone talks about how they have to do good on their parts at the celebration.

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