Monday, May 14, 2007

Act 4, Scene 1

In Act 4 Scene 1, Titania is still in love with Bottom. (Bottom is still an "ass head") Then Titania falls asleep. Oberon then came and told Puck the story of how Oberon tricked Titania into giving him the little Indian boy. Oberon put a spell on Titania that got rid of the love nectar in her eyes. Titania wakes and Oberon and her went away dancing. Next Puck said a spell that changed bottoms head back to normal.

Demetrius woke and loved Helena. Lysander woke up and loved Hermia. Hippolyta and Theseus found Demetrius, Helena, Lysander, and Hermia in the forest. They wondered what they were doing. Theseus and Hippolyta invite the couples to get married with them. They would have a "great wedding feast."

Bottom wakes up when everyone leaves. Bottom thinks that the whole incident was all a dream. And Bottom wants Peter quince to write a part for at the end of their play about his dream. Then they would perform it.

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