Monday, May 14, 2007

Act 4, Scene 1

In Act 4 Scene 1, Titania is still in love with Bottom. (Bottom is still an "ass head") Then Titania falls asleep. Oberon then came and told Puck the story of how Oberon tricked Titania into giving him the little Indian boy. Oberon put a spell on Titania that got rid of the love nectar in her eyes. Titania wakes and Oberon and her went away dancing. Next Puck said a spell that changed bottoms head back to normal.

Demetrius woke and loved Helena. Lysander woke up and loved Hermia. Hippolyta and Theseus found Demetrius, Helena, Lysander, and Hermia in the forest. They wondered what they were doing. Theseus and Hippolyta invite the couples to get married with them. They would have a "great wedding feast."

Bottom wakes up when everyone leaves. Bottom thinks that the whole incident was all a dream. And Bottom wants Peter quince to write a part for at the end of their play about his dream. Then they would perform it.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Act 3, Scene 2

In Act 3 scene 2, Puck goes back to tell Oberon what he has done. Then Helena and Demetrius come in and Oberon tells Puck that he has put the love necter on the wrong persons eyes. Then Demetrius and Hermia talked about Lysander. Demetrius and Hermia begin to to fight because Hermia thinks that Demetrius killed Lysander. Demetrius then falls asleep in the forest and Oberon puts the nectar on Demetrius. Demetrius loves Helena now, after he woke with love filled eyes. Helena thinks Lysander and Demetrius are playing a trick on her. Hermia enters and Helena thinks she's in on the trick. Hermia jumps on Lysander and won't let go. Demetrius and Lysander are fighting over Helena, while this is going on Hermia is still holding on Lysander. Hermia lets loose of Lysander and begins to attack Helena.

Then Puck changes his to confuse Demetrius and Lysander. They try and chase the others voice. Lysander and Demetrius get tired from chasing each other and fall asleep. Next Hermia and Helena come too and sleep on the ground. Puck puts the love nectar into all their eyes so they hopefully wake up and fall in love with the right person.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Act 3 Scene 1

In Act 3 scene 1, the cast of the play is meeting in the forest to rehearse the play together. Bottom thinks that some parts of the play will scare the women. The cast talks about how they think they the play should be. Puck comes to the forest and Bottom strays away from the rest of the cast. Puck then decides to turn Bottom's head into a donkey head. Then Bottom, with the donkey head,goes back to the rest of the cast. The cast becomes scared and runs away.

Then Titania, the Queen of the Fairies, wakes up from sleep. When she wakes up, she instantly falls in love with Bottom. Titania falls instantly in love because of the nectar from the love flower. All this time, Bottom doesn't know that he has the head of a donkey. Bottom thinks that his friends are treating him badly because of the way they reacted at the sight of him. Titania wants Bottom to stay with her, so she pampers him. Titania's little fairies take care of him and give him what ever he wants.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Act 2, Scene 1 & 2

In Act 2 Scene 1, Robin or Puck and a fairy talk about how Titania and Oberon should not see each other. They are angry at each other because Titania has a little Indian boy as her attendant. And Oberon wants the boy for himself. But Titania doesn't want to give up the boy. Next the fairy recognized that who Robin or Puck is and describes some pranks he has played on people.

Then Oberon and Titania come in. Oberon is a very powerful, manly King of the Fairies. And Titania is powerful as well and is the Queen of the Fairies. They both question each others motives and Titania accuses Oberon of loving Hippolyta (who is getting married to Theseus). Titania talks about how she knows he has been unfaithful to her. Then Titania talks about how the boys mother was dear to her so she will take care of the boy like her own. Oberon says that he will get the little Indian boy.

Oberon tells Puck to go get a flower that will make a person fall in love with the next thing they see. All he has to do is sprinkle this flowers juice on the persons eyelids then this will happen. Oberon says that he will sprinkle the love flower juice on Titania's eyelids so that when she wakes, she will fall in love with the next things she sees. And this will distract Titania enough, so that Oberon can take the little Indian boy. Then Oberon tells Puck to use the flower on Demetrius to love Helena.

In Act 2 Scene 2, Puck thinks that Lysander is Demetrius so he uses the love flower on Lysander instead. Then Helena comes back and wakes Lysander up to make sure he is not dead. Lysander had the flowers juice on his eyelids so he falls in love with Helena. Helena tells him he cannot love her. Next, Helena walks away and Lysander follows. Hermia wakes up because she was having a bad dream. But when Hermia wakes Lysander is gone.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Summary for Act 1 Scene 1 &2

In Act One, Scene One Theseus and his fiance, Hippolyta are planning their wedding. But they are impatient so they tell the town to get entertainment to distract them. The celebration had to begin at once until the wedding.

Then Egeus comes to see Theseus to complain about his daughter Hermia. Hermia is suppose to marry Demetrius but she loves Lysander. Egeus says that Hermia has to marry Demetrius or become a nun, or be put to death. She has to follow the law. Then Lysander talks about how Demetrius use to be in love with Helena but then abandoned her. Before everyone leaves he tells Hermia to think about her decision. Everyone leaves except for Lysander and Hermia. Lysander has a widow aunt that would let Hermia and him come and get married there. Lysander says that the law can't get them there. Hermia and Lysander are happy and plan there escape. Hermia tells Helena what Lysander and her about to do. And then Helena decides to tell Demetrius what Hermia and Lysander's plan to get closer to Demetrius. Because Helena still loves him.

In Act 1 Scene 2, a group of men decide to put on a play for the celebration. Peter Quince tries get order but Nick Bottom is very talkative. Peter Quince calls out the roles and Nick Bottom tries to act out the different roles. Nick Bottom keeps on interrupting and roars about the lion part. Everyone talks about how they have to do good on their parts at the celebration.