Friday, February 23, 2007


This blog idea is a new way for me to express myself in my writing. Now that I have to put my writing pieces on this blog I am forced to do better and try even harder then before. This blog would be a portal for me to go through to become a new person and to show it in my writing. I am not really sure how this will turn out but I know that posting my work for everyone to see will in the end be really good for me. I think that this will boost my confidence if people accept my writing. It will give me the vigor to be myself.

When I was younger, my mom would always tell me this story from her childhood. The story was about a young boy who would always tell lies. Then when he finally told the truth no one would believe him. This made me really think. I didn't ever want to become like that boy. So i would try best to always be truthful. this story relates to this bog. Through this blog assignment I hope to learn how to see the truth with my heart and not my eyes. So I can be able to always find the good in everything and everyone.

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