Monday, February 26, 2007

Bloody Toes

When I was younger, I would always stub my big toe. I would stub my toe on anything from stairs to the door, to a chair. So when I was younger, my grandfather would bandage up my toe for me. And when he was bandaging my toe, he would always tell me the story of how his big toe got distorted. I always loved the story because it made me feel better. And while I was listening to the story, cringing at the pain, and giving the occasional nod, I realized he really understood what I was going through.

My grandfather told me this story all the time and now I want to make you feel better. For all the times you have hurt your toe this story will make you think, AT-LEAST-MY-TOE-WASN'T-THAT-BAD.

When my grandfather was nine or ten years old, he would ride his bike around the neighborhood. And the dangerous part is that they would ride barefoot. He was racing his friends and having a ball. Then suddenly, he felt his toe shoot a piercing pain up his leg. He said it felt like, when putting warm water on your hand after you had it in ice for a while. Then he looked down at his toe and his bike. The sight was disgusting. His whole top half of his toe had gotten stuck in the chain of the bike and his toe was bleeding a lot.

The neighborhood boys ran to get mama ( his mother and my great grandmother). When she came she immediately started scolding the boys and at my grandpa a lot. Mama was yelling at them for riding a bike without shoes on and how she warned them to be careful. She brought him to the emergency room. There they found out that they might just have to sow him up and they would not put the rest of his toe back on. But Mama would not have it, she made sure that they put the top half if his toe back on.

Eventually it healed and he was fine. His toe now has a curvy shape, like an hour glass just not as extreme. And my grandfathers deformed toe nail is black with specks of brown. His toe is safe for now, safe until he stubs it, and safe to walk on. My grandfather loves to tell me this story and I think it makes him happy to see how he can make me feel better just with his life stories.

Friday, February 23, 2007


This blog idea is a new way for me to express myself in my writing. Now that I have to put my writing pieces on this blog I am forced to do better and try even harder then before. This blog would be a portal for me to go through to become a new person and to show it in my writing. I am not really sure how this will turn out but I know that posting my work for everyone to see will in the end be really good for me. I think that this will boost my confidence if people accept my writing. It will give me the vigor to be myself.

When I was younger, my mom would always tell me this story from her childhood. The story was about a young boy who would always tell lies. Then when he finally told the truth no one would believe him. This made me really think. I didn't ever want to become like that boy. So i would try best to always be truthful. this story relates to this bog. Through this blog assignment I hope to learn how to see the truth with my heart and not my eyes. So I can be able to always find the good in everything and everyone.